Matching Gifts
Employer matching gift programs allow you to team up and combine your employee benefit and donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal to make a greater impact. If your employer matches gifts, your donation can be doubled or tripled. You can make the most of a qualifying corporate matching gift program in a few simple steps. Once you have set it up, let us know so we can be on the look out.
Follow your company-specific matching gift instructions to have your donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal doubled or tripled by your employer. If you don’t see your employer listed below, contact the Mission Advancement Office to be added.
BP matches employee donations to charitable organizations around the world.
This includes both personal donations AND money raised by employees from family and friends.
Eligible organizations include:
STEM Educational institutions (K-12 included), except in countries where literacy is an issue
Economic development organizations
Environmental organizations
And select other nonprofits
BP's Matching Gift Submission Process:
While on the company intranet, employees should request matching gifts electronically at you have set it up on your end, please complete this form for Mission Advancement.
Citizens Financial Group matches donations to most nonprofits including:
Organizations that fight hunger
Organizations that teach money management or financial literacy
Organizations that strengthen communities through:
Economic development
Job training
Small business development
Affordable housing
And neighborhood revitalization
And select other 501(c)3 organizations
Contributions to political, fraternal, religious, professional, single disease, and medical organizations do not qualify for a match. Employees / donors can submit requests for multiple gifts to hit the minimum request.
Additional details can be viewed at
Citizens' Matching Gift Submission Process:
Donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at Organizations must confirm requests within 6 months of submission. -
ome Depot matches donations to most nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
Environmental organizations
Home Depot matches up to $1,000 annually per employee to each organization they donate to (max $3,000 total per employee.)
Home Depot Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at Deadline:
Employees must register their matching gift requests by January 31st of the year following the date of the donation. -
KeyCorp (KeyBank) and subsidiaries match employee donations to most nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
And select other nonprofits
KeyCorp's Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees / donors should submit their matching gift requests electronically at you have questions or need assistance, please email
Marathon Petroleum matches donations to most nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
Environmental organizations
And most 501 (c)(3) organizations
Additional details are available at
Marathon Petroleum Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at -
Matching Gift Information
Owens Corning offers an employee matching gift program.
The company matches employee donations to educational institutions including, but not limited to:
U.S. & Canadian colleges and universities
U.S & Canadian public and private schools (grades 9-12)
The company provides a 1:1 match.
Owens Corning Matching Gift Submission Process:
While on the company intranet, employees can submit their requests electronically at you have questions or need assistance, email for additional details.
Matching Gift Information
Owens-Illinois matches employee donations to most nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
Environmental organizations
And many other 501(c)(3) organizations
O-I provides a 2:1 match to educational institutions and a 1:1 match to other nonprofits.
Owens-Illinois' Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees / donors can find the most up-to-date forms on the company intranet by searching for "matching gifts". Alternatively, employees may use the form provided to us at you have questions or need assistance, please email
PNC matches employee donations to many nonprofits including:
Higher education institutions
K-12 primary and secondary schools
Human service organizations
Arts and cultural organizations
Organizations promoting the health and well-being of children in the US.
PNC matches most employee gifts dollar for dollar. Employees are eligible for a $4 match for every dollar they donate, based on their titles.
Additional details are available at
PNC's Matching Gift Submission Process:
Donors can register their matching gift requests electronically by going to this link.Submission Deadline:
Matching Gifts must be requested by February 15th of the following year. -
Sherwin-Williams offers a matching gift program where the company matches donations made by employees and retirees to a variety of nonprofits including:
Higher education institutions
Private primary and secondary schools
Arts and cultural organizations
Environmental groups
Civic and community organizations
Health and human service organizations
and many most other 501(c)(3) organizations
Sherwin-Williams matches up to $3,000 per employee or retiree each year at a 1:1 rate.
Submission Process:
While on the company intranet, Sherwin-Williams employees and retirees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at Deadline:
To qualify for a match, the form must be received by The Sherwin-Williams Foundation no later than March 31st of the year following the calendar year in which the gift was made. -
Matching Gift Information
The Andersons Inc. matches employee donations to most nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
Environmental organizations
And many other 501(c)(3) organizations
The Andersons Inc's Matching Gift Submission Process:
While on the company intranet, employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at -
The Trust Company, NA matches donations to most nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
Environmental organizations
And most 501 (c)(3) organizations
The Trust Company, NA' Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees can download a copy of the most up-to-date matching gift form directly from the company intranet by searching for "matching gifts" (recommended method). Alternatively, employees may use the form provided to us at -
To encourage personal philanthropy, the FirstEnergy Matching Gifts Program provides a dollar-for-dollar match from the FirstEnergy Foundation of employees' contributions to a wide range of nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
And select other types of organizations
Additional details are available at
This is available for employees at FirstEnergy's subsidiaries listed below (plus others) as well:
Ohio Edison
The Illuminating Company
Toledo Edison
Penn Power
West Penn Power
Jersey Central Power & Light
Mon Power
Potomac Edison
FirstEnergy's Matching Gift Submission Process:
While on the company intranet, employees should submit their matching gift requests electronically at -
PBF Energy previously matched donations to most nonprofits including:
Educational institutions (K-12 included)
Health and human services
Arts and cultural organizations
Civic and community organizations
Environmental organizations
And most 501 (c)(3) organizations
PBF Energy Gift Submission Process:
Employees can download a copy of the most up-to-date matching gift form directly from the company intranet by searching for "matching gifts" (recommended method).See anything that should be changed, updated, or added to improve this entry? Please email or use our online company update form.
Match Gift Next Steps
Alert us of your intentions
Once you have made arrangements with your employers matching gift program, please let the Mission Advancement Office know what to look for by complting a form found HERE. Knowing the employeer and the name of the administrator of the funds helps to match the gift with your record.